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Project Search

L.p. Project Title Beneficiary Priority Axis Support Area Realization Place
1 Pomeranian Cycle Routes of International Importance - Creation of the Route R10 in Gdynia Municipality of Gdynia Conversion Cycling routes Gdynia
2 Conversion and refurbishment of a historical urban villas -in-a-park complex located at 1-3 Jakuba Goyki Street and part of the Northern Park (Park Północny) in Sopot to meet the requirements of ArtInkubator and a public library. Municipality of Sopot Conversion Protection of cultural heritage Sopot
3 Sopot – rozbudowa oferty sportowo-żeglarskiej Gmina Miasta Sopotu Conversion Marinas Sopot
4 Re-modelling and adaptive re-use of the Artillery Coach House and its surroundings to new use requirements of the Hevelianum Centre in Gdańsk Municipality of Gdynia Conversion Protection of cultural heritage Gdańsk
5 Restoring the glory to the Royal Way in Gdańsk - restoration of the Gdańsk Main Town Hall and of the Artus Court The Museum of Gdańsk Conversion Protection of cultural heritage Gdańsk
6 Pomeranian bicycle routes of international significance: the R-10 and the R-9 Vistula Bicycle Route - the Sopot stage Municipality of Sopot Conversion Cycling routes Sopot
7 Urban redevelopment and upgrade of the ‘1000-lecie' Housing Estate [osiedle 1000-lecia] in Kościerzyna Kościerzyna Municipality Conversion Urban revitalization Kościerzyna
8 Rewitalizacja Dzielnicy Dworcowej w Chojnicach Gmina Miejska Chojnice Conversion Urban revitalization Chojnice
9 Gdynia odNowa: Rewitalizacja obszaru Zamenhofa-Opata Hackiego Gmina Miasta Gdyni Conversion Urban revitalization Gdynia
10 Malbork on the Up-Side - revitalisation of Malbork historical city centre City of Malbork Conversion Protection of cultural heritage City of Malbork